Monday, March 9, 2009

Ms Green Jeans- Spring time in the garden

It is just almost spring here on the farm. Sadie is having a great time with the puppies(still known as Brother and Sister). There are at least 100 Cardinals in the trees and some little wrens too. I have been digging and working the garden. Of course, here at Windsong that means I have to make the garden. I have been working too many days in prior years to manage to make a garden. So, I just love digging in the dirt.

I feel it is such a needed thing to do- grow your own food. And that is followed by cooking your own food. Most all of the really bad stuff added into food- like High Fructose Corn Syrup- is not in your kitchen. Well ,yes it is in your kitchen, as it is in so much. Like Yogurt! boy does that chap me. All major brand yogurts have HFCS in it. But there are other more organic versions that do not have it. It is in Ketchup, marinades, apple sauce, jelly, and so much else. But I would bet in the canister where your sugar, flour, and such there is no canister for HFCS.

A side note- sugar free or lite yogurt does not have HFCS in them. They have Aspartame or Splenda and they both are horrible for your health.

Back to the garden, I planted brandywine and homestead tomatoes, and some sweet 100s and a another kind. Spinach, turnips, and peas are planted as well. I have a number of veggies started in flats. Woo-hoo! almost time to plant. My garden beds are an adapted form of the Square Foot Garden theory. I love doing it this way.