Early morning in the garden is heaven on earth to me. To go out there when the day is new and look to see what God has done with 24 hours is just such a great way to start the day. It is quiet and calm and the sun is rising.
My garden is not too big right now, it just feeds two of us. But I am planning to make it bigger. One bed at a time. Much of what I have planted this year is in containers. I will be working on beds as the summer goes on but this year I am testing the container gardening theory out. My Potatoes are doing great and tomatoes are looking really impressive. The squash really prefer being in the ground, I think. It looks kind of puny. The first picture here is my newer potato pot. The first I planted in a bag. Then I found a potato in the pantry that had sprouted little sprouts all over and I had a couple that had not gotten planted from spring so I decided to plant it in a big pot. Same theory- just keep adding dirt. I will let you know.
The second picture is my
tomatoes, also infront of the tomatoes there is a pot that has blackberries and plants in the ground- onion, beets, turnips and squash. The pots with dirt have strawberries that are struggling. If you notice the dirt in the background? Much of my place is like that. Before I got this place somebody came in and scraped the top soil all off. I do not know why. But, what to do? I am thinking of making raised beds in that area. I can move the horses water to a different location and they hang out under the trees. But, in the area in front of the trees I think I will make the raised beds.

One thing about it, there is time as long as there is time. It gives me something to do and stay out of the shopping centers.