There is a lot I am not sure about. And of others I know completely. And one thing I know for sure...there is a beautiful farmhouse in Heaven. **In my Fathers house are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you** Well, I am not the mansion type so I know mine will be a farmhouse. And there are loved ones already gathered there. Last week I know what the scene was.
There was laughter coming from the porch and loving voices talking in low tones. Out in the pasture there were horse angels grazing on knee deep grass so lush and green. No worry about colic here. In the yard there were two golden girls, one with one tennis ball in her mouth and the other with two in hers. Gracie and Belle Starr. Gracie looked up and saw something...Belle looked too. Up on the porch siamese kitty angel stirred and she too knew. She jumped down and headed to the yard. They all knew that a special day had come. Lucky, Gracie, and Belle Starr ran to welcome Fred home to Heaven. Fred was the first Kitty in the home they had all shared for so long and he had outlived everyone. His old body finally gave up and headed on the same path they had all taken. Now he was restored to his best spirit.
Up on the porch a voice said "oh, look, it is Fred. He has come Home. Fred, you come up here and sit with us a bit. We have been waiting and, you know what, Fred? We have some little pieces of turkey here just for you. We know how much you like turkey. Now, Fred, you just live as you want here, hon. You live here now. You are Home.
This post is to honor a long time family member of my brothers home. Fred was a kitty that came to them sometime in 1989 or 1990. He was just a plain gray tabby that someone threw away. He shared many holiday dinners quietly wrangling for donated pieces of turkey "falling" to the floor. He was a plain gray kitty with a very large personality. He left this home the end of January 2010. He shared the house with many dogs over his life including the two golden retrievers listed above and the other kitty, Lucky.
The sad thing about living in the country is the passing of so many little critters. Belle Starr lived to be 16. Then after Belle died a friend gave Gracie to my nephew who loved Belle so much and grieved her passing. Gracie lived for a long span of time too before Scott had to say goodbye to her. Fred knew them both. Fred actually knew every animal that lived in the farm home in Texas as he moved from the city to the country with the family. While we are sad with your passing, I just want to say...
Welcome Home, Fred.