And that is how I came to be here with this officer. Honest Officer, I did not mean to be lost. I just ran and ran. I was on the road and cars were coming and big things were coming. BIG things were coming and I just ran and ran. Then one of the cars pulled over and a man got out and helped me. He took me to his house but I was really scared and I ran from there to. By this time I was a long way from home. Miles actually. The nice man found me again and took me to a place that looked for my tatoo and then he found the animal control officer (ACO) and the officer brought me home. I did not know how Ms Greenjeans had been calling everywhere and looking for me. I was gone for days. I was so happy to see her again.
But I am so scared now when the sky rumbles. I have tried to escape again. She says I will hurt myself and I do not know where I run to. But I am so scared. Ms Greenjeans brings me treats and she puts stuff on my food to make me feel better. she sprays stuff in my mouth. She loves me. But I am still so afraid when the sky rumbles. Please pray for me.