Sunday, September 20, 2009

This Weeks News

Well, just like I thought Rose's little filly is turning to a roan. She sure looks a mess now. I took pictures yesterday and will get them up in a day or so.

It has been raining on the farm, a very good thing except I do not think Sadie is too happy with it. She has hardly come off of her doghouse in days. It has sure created a mess in the mud. Since it was hot and the grass went dormant and the dirt was all that was showing. But I threw out grass seed and it is growing in just a few days time. Perfect weather. Escept for Sadie.

I am making plans for my berry field. Just do not quite yet know where it will be. One tract of land or another. I plan to plant strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pomgranates, and other anti oxidant things. Stay tuned as this develops.

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