I could get dizzy. At least queasy with all that life has happening now. As far as the farm goes we have lost several long time residents this year and that has been so hard. I miss Beau's bray welcoming me home at night. I just miss him a lot.
My sweet elder poodle is still with us but her health is failing. Her health not her spirit, tonight she took the some-kind-of -hide chewy away from the rat terrier. Which could have been fighting words for the terrier. Have I mentioned the poodle hardly has any teeth? But she was heading to her favorite resting spot with her stolen treasure. Misti is doing a great job of Living with Cancer.
Priscilla is doing very well. Last weekend she and I went to a campout with a group of terrific women that I so enjoyed. Have any of you read the magazine- Mary Jane's Farm? Oh, I love it. I think maybe we were sisters separated at birth! And I am not the only one. Her website is
http://www.maryjanesfarm.org/ and on it you can join the farmgirl connection and then you can get lost in all things FARM. I enjoy the connections I have made there. But I had not actually met any of the farmgirls until this campout. Anyway, my nephew tended to the animals here, I dropped mom to visit her sister, and Pris and I escaped. For about 36 hours. But it was fun. Cookouts, moonlight hayrides, laughter...it was great. Jennifer even had speakers who told us about grass fed beef and organic farming. Did I mention I loved it.
This weekend was an event that happens every so often in the little community of Gibtown Texas. Autumn in the Woods. A bunch of crafty local folks set up on Joy's place and sold their goods. I bought some cute containers to use for Christmas projects, some Fire and Ice pickles (which I think I could use for acid reflux demos with enzymes to the rescue!), and some baked goods. Joy sells some of those instant packages that make dips, cheeseballs, and spiced cider things. I have not looked at the ingredients, I just wanted to help Joy out. Mary Jane would have been proud of the aprons that were being sold there.
Oh, and before I forget...we did get a new resident. Mr. McGregor. A few weeks back a client called for help as she had just found an orphaned baby rabbit. She knows I have vast knowledge of these things. I did tell her what I knew of raising orphans including that I did not know of anyone who has successfully raised a rabbit.But Peggy did. And she brought him to me. In the spring he will live in a rabbit hutch in my garden.
I have another blog for my health business. I will post the down side of the roller coaster ride on there. The Above are the good times but hard times have happened as well. There is a link to the other blog on this page as well.