Monday, November 1, 2010

It is fall on the farm

My farm will be a work in progress for years. but now that it is officially my farm I can start relocating the weeds on the place. It is mostly weeds with a bit of grass. But in the fall the weeds are a glorious site. Yellow flowers everywhere. Broomweed and something bigger and a carpet of yellow flowers. With Monarch Butterflies everywhere. And bees. So you beekeepers can know that I am doing my part.

When I clear the center land I am still going to let the flower weeds stay on the fringe of the farm. I love the butterflies. This year I bought several apple trees, two apricot trees, a pear tree, figs, pomegranates, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, black berries, and raspberries. And I am sure I have left some out. I plan raised beds in the garden. Lots of work ahead.
Stay tuned...

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